Dr. Amit Ghose

Kidney Blog

What if You Have Hematuria? – Listen to The Best Urologist in Kolkata!

Hematuria, which is the presence of blood in the urine, can be a concerning symptom that warrants urgent medical attention from a urologist in Kolkata. The presence of blood in the urine can be either visible (gross hematuria) or microscopic (microscopic hematuria), which means it’s only detectable under a microscope.

Here’s what you should do if you have hematuria or blood in your urine –

  • Seek Immediate Medical Attention: If you notice blood in your urine, it is immensely important to consult the best urologist in Kolkata
  • Undergo Proper Evaluation: Your urologist will likely perform a thorough evaluation to determine the cause of hematuria. This may include a physical examination, review of medical history, urine tests (urinalysis and urine culture), imaging studies (such as ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI), and possibly cystoscopy (a procedure to examine the bladder and urinary tract with a thin, flexible tube).
  • Follow Treatment Recommendations: Treatment for hematuria will depend on the underlying cause. For example, if a urinary tract infection is identified, antibiotics may be prescribed. If kidney stones are the culprit, treatment may involve pain management and measures to help pass the stones naturally or surgical intervention in some cases. If a more serious condition like bladder cancer is suspected, further diagnostic tests and treatment options will be discussed with you.
  • Monitor Symptoms: Even if the initial cause of hematuria is identified and treated, it is important to continue monitoring your symptoms and follow up with your urologist in Kolkata as recommended. Remember that recurrence of hematuria or the development of new symptoms should prompt further evaluation.

In a nutshell, it can be said that while hematuria can be alarming, not all cases indicate a serious underlying condition. However, it is essential to take any signs of blood in the urine seriously and seek medical attention from the best urologist in Kolkata for proper evaluation and further treatment.



Who is More Prone To Kidney Cancer?

Kidney Cancer

Who is More Prone To Kidney Cancer?

Kidney cancer has turned out to be one of the most common urological cancers nowadays. While the exact cause of kidney cancer is often unknown, certain groups of people are more prone to this type of cancer. According to the top urologist in Kolkata, some of the most common risk factors for kidney cancer include –

  • Age: Firstly, it is important to note that the risk of kidney cancer increases with age, and it is more commonly diagnosed in people over the age of 40.
  • Smoking: Cigarette smoking is a significant risk factor for kidney cancer. Smokers have a higher likelihood of developing the disease compared to non-smokers.
  • Obesity: The Best Urologist in Kolkata opines that being overweight or obese increases the risk of kidney cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise may help reduce this risk.
  • Family History: Individuals with a family history of kidney cancer may have an elevated risk, particularly if a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) has had kidney cancer.
  • Hereditary Conditions: Certain genetic conditions, such as von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease, hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma, and Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome, are linked to an increased risk of kidney cancer.
  • Occupational Exposures: Some workplace exposures to certain substances, such as asbestos, cadmium, and certain herbicides, have been associated with an increased risk of kidney cancer.
  • Gender and Race: Men are generally more likely to develop kidney cancer than women. Certain racial and ethnic groups, such as African Americans and American Indians, may also have a slightly higher risk.
  • Other Kidney Disease: Individuals with certain kidney diseases, such as end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or those who have undergone kidney transplantation, may have an increased risk of kidney cancer.

However, it is important to note that kidney cancer can occur in individuals without any known risk factors. Conversely, having one or more risk factors does not necessarily mean that someone will definitely develop kidney cancer. Regular check-ups, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding known risk factors, such as smoking, can contribute to overall health and potentially reduce the risk of kidney cancer.

Therefore, if you have concerns about your risk for kidney cancer, it is highly advisable to discuss them with a urologist in Kolkata who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation.


What Are The 10 Possible Reasons For Frequent Urination?​

Reasons for frequent urination

What Are The 10 Possible Reasons For Frequent Urination?

According to every urologist in Kolkata, frequent urination can be caused by various factors, and it is important to note that multiple reasons may contribute to these symptoms. In today’s blog, we will explore some common reasons for a frequent urge to urinate –

10 Reasons for frequent urination
  1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Infections of the urinary tract, particularly the bladder (cystitis), can lead to irritation and inflammation, resulting in a frequent need to urinate.
  2. Diabetes: Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can cause increased urine production, leading to frequent urination.
  3. Overactive Bladder (OAB): OAB is a condition characterized by sudden, involuntary contractions of the muscles in the bladder wall. This can cause an urgent need to urinate even when the bladder is not full.
  4. Interstitial Cystitis: This chronic condition involves inflammation of the bladder lining, leading to increased frequency and urgency of urination.
  5. Enlarged Prostate: In men, an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) can obstruct the flow of urine, causing more frequent urination, especially at night.
  6. Pregnancy: Hormonal changes and the growing uterus during pregnancy can exert pressure on the bladder, leading to more frequent urination.
  7. Diuretic Medications: Certain medications, such as diuretics used to treat hypertension, can increase urine production and result in more frequent urination.
  8. Bladder or Kidney Stones: The presence of stones in the bladder or kidneys can cause irritation and a frequent urge to urinate.
  9. Neurological Issues: Conditions affecting the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, can disrupt the normal signals between the brain and the bladder, leading to increased frequency.
  10. Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption: Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics that can increase urine production and contribute to more frequent urination.

If you are experiencing a frequent urge to urinate, it is essential to consult with the best urologist in Kolkata for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment based on the underlying cause.


Kidney-Friendly Diet that Ensures Good Kidney Health​

Kidney Friendly Diet

Kidney-Friendly Diet that Ensures Good Kidney Health

Remember that maintaining a kidney-friendly diet is highly crucial for individuals with kidney issues or those looking to promote overall kidney health. Here are some general guidelines from the top urologist in Kolkata about the ideal dietary plan for good kidney health –

  • Control Protein Intake: Limit high-protein foods, as excessive protein can strain the kidneys. However, it is essential to consult with a urologist in Kolkata to determine the appropriate amount of protein for your specific condition.
  • Monitor Sodium Intake: Reduce salt (sodium) intake to help manage blood pressure and fluid balance. Therefore, avoid processed foods, canned soups, and salty snacks. You can use herbs, spices, and other flavorings to season food instead of salt.
  • Control Phosphorus and Potassium: If advised by a healthcare provider, limit foods high in phosphorus and potassium. However, this may include dairy products, nuts, seeds, bananas, oranges, and tomatoes.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins. However, individual fluid needs may vary, so it is essential to follow your healthcare provider’s advice on fluid intake.
  • Choose Heart-Healthy Fats: You must opt for healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, and fatty fish like salmon. Limit saturated and trans fats found in fried foods, processed snacks, and certain oils.
  • Monitor Sugar Intake: Control your intake of added sugars, as diabetes and high blood sugar levels can contribute to kidney problems. Therefore, limit sugary beverages, candies, and desserts.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to individualize dietary recommendations based on your specific health condition, and consulting the best kidney doctor in Kolkata or a registered dietitian is essential to create a personalized plan that suits your needs for healthy kidneys.


What To Know About Kidney Cancer In Women?

kidney cancer in women

What To Know About Kidney Cancer In Women?

Though the rate of kidney cancer developing in men is almost twice more likely than in women, women after a certain age are seen to be diagnosed with kidney cancer. So, it is important to be aware of the key aspects related to kidney cancer in women as well. Listen to the best urologist in Kolkata and note the points.

Incidence and Age:

Kidney cancer is more common in men than in women. However, the incidence of kidney cancer in women has been increasing. The risk tends to rise with age, and it is most commonly diagnosed in people over 45 years old.


Common symptoms of kidney cancer may include blood in the urine (hematuria), pain or discomfort in the side or lower back, a lump in the abdomen, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue. It is important to note that these symptoms can be caused by various conditions, and a proper medical evaluation is necessary for an accurate diagnosis.

Risk Factors:

Certain factors may increase the risk of developing kidney cancer in women. These include smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, long-term dialysis treatment, and a family history of kidney cancer.

Hormonal Influences:

Hormonal factors may play a major role in kidney cancer in women. Some studies suggest that the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after menopause may be associated with a slightly increased risk.

Survival Rates:

The prognosis for kidney cancer can vary depending on the stage at which it is diagnosed. Remember that early detection and treatment generally lead to better outcomes. Survival rates for kidney cancer have improved over the years due to advancements in treatment.

However, it is crucial for women to be aware of their risk factors, pay attention to any potential symptoms, and seek prompt medical attention from an experienced urologist in Kolkata if they experience any concerning signs. 


Everything You Need to Know About Bladder Cancer

bladder cancer

Everything You Need to Know About Bladder Cancer

As we generally see cancers are typically named based on the primary location where they originate, in the case of bladder cancer, it starts in the cells lining the bladder. To be specific, bladder cancer typically occurs when there is an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in the bladder. However, these cells can form a tumor, and if not treated on time, the cancer can invade surrounding tissues and potentially spread to other parts of the body.

Learn everything you need to know about bladder cancer from the Top Urologist in Kolkata.

What are the major risk factors for bladder cancer?
  • Smoking: Smoking is a major risk factor for bladder cancer. People who smoke are at a higher risk of developing bladder cancer than non-smokers.
  • Age and Gender: Bladder cancer is more common in older adults, and men are more likely to develop it than women.
  • Chemical Exposure: Exposure to certain industrial chemicals, such as those used in the dye industry, may increase the risk.
What are the symptoms of bladder cancer?
  • Hematuria: Blood in the urine is the most common symptom of bladder cancer. It may cause the urine to appear pink, red, or brown.
  • Painful Urination: Some people with bladder cancer experience pain or a burning sensation during urination.
  • Frequent Urination: An increased urgency to urinate without an increase in the amount of urine passed is another symptom.
How to prevent bladder cancer?
  • Quitting smoking is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of bladder cancer.
  • Minimizing exposure to industrial chemicals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle may also contribute to prevention.

Do you want to know more about bladder cancer? Visit Dr. Amit Ghose, the best urologist in Kolkata.


What do you need to do when you notice blood in urine?

blood in urine

What do you need to do when you notice blood in urine?

The presence of blood in urine, a condition known as hematuria, can be a vital symptom of various underlying health issues. However, it is important to note that while there are some home care measures you can take, consulting with the top urologist in Kolkata is crucial to determine the exact cause of the bleeding and the appropriate treatment for this.

Things you need to do
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you notice blood in your urine, it is highly important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Your healthcare provider will perform a thorough examination, take your medical history, and may order diagnostic tests to determine the cause of this problem.
  • Stay Hydrated: Did you know that drinking plenty of water can help dilute the urine and may reduce irritation to the urinary tract? This is because adequate hydration is generally good for our kidney health.
  • Follow Medical Advice: If your healthcare provider has identified an underlying cause for the hematuria, follow his advice and treatment plan. However, this may include medications, lifestyle changes, or other interventions depending on the specific diagnosis of hematuria.
  • Monitor Major Symptoms: Last but not least, keep track of your symptoms, and if you notice any changes or if the bleeding persists, inform your healthcare provider promptly.

Remember, hematuria can be a sign of various conditions, including urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or more serious conditions such as bladder or kidney cancer. Therefore, it is crucial to seek medical attention for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for this. Visit Dr. Amit Ghose, a renowned Urologist in Kolkata for consultation and medical advice.

Kidney Blog

Be Aware of the 5 Major Symptoms of Kidney Stone

kidney stone
Be Aware of the 5 Major Symptoms of Kidney Stone

Kidney stones are hard deposits that form in the kidneys and can cause various symptoms. However, the symptoms of kidney stones can vary depending on the size of the stone, its location, and whether it causes a blockage or irritation. Do you want to know the 5 most important symptoms of kidney stones? Listen to the Top Urologist in Kolkata.

5 Major Symptoms of Kidney Stone
  1. Severe Pain: Perhaps, the most common symptom is severe pain, typically located in the back or side, below the ribs. Besides, the pain can radiate to the lower abdomen and groin. The intensity of the pain can vary individually.
  2. Hematuria (Blood in Urine): Did you know earlier that kidney stones can cause blood to appear in the urine? In such cases of kidney stones, the urine may be pink, red, or brown in color.
  3. Frequent Urination: It is seen that individuals with kidney stones may experience an increased urge to urinate. However, in cases like this, the actual amount of urine may be small.
  4. Cloudy or Foul-Smelling Urine: The presence of kidney stones may affect the appearance and odor of urine. Therefore, an individual who has a kidney stone might experience cloudy and foul-smelling urine.
  5. Fever and Chills: It is also important to note that if a kidney stone causes a urinary tract infection (UTI), symptoms such as fever and chills may occur. However, the intensity of fever varies individually.

Nevertheless, be advised that some people with kidney stones may not even experience any symptoms until the stone moves within the urinary tract. So, if you suspect that you have kidney stones or are experiencing severe pain or other symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical attention from the best urologist in Kolkata.